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We love winter. It gives us a break from the summer heat. We love being able to snuggle up in warm, comfy clothes, enjoy red wine by the fire, hearty meals and warm baths. Unfortunately the cooler weather combined with those long hot baths, heaters and fires also means dry, dehydrated skin + hair.

Try these quick and simple tips to nurture your body and keep it from drying out in the remaining cooler months…

Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise
It seems so obvious, but keeping up with moisturising is an easy one to let slide!

First up, your skin will need a gentle scrub a few times a week to polish away those dead and flaky skin cells to reveal new skin, then moisturise, moisturise, moisturise to hydrate, protect and keep dryness and wrinkles at bay.

Our Coconut Body Butter is going to be your best friend due to its powerful, nourishing properties thanks to organic coconut oil whipped with shea and cocoa butter and a lush blend of natural oils and Vitamin E. Lather all over your skin daily and gently rub in, concentrating on dry areas.

Hydrate from the inside too
Remember it’s just as important to stay hydrated on the inside as well as the outside. Make sure you stay hydrated with plenty of filtered water. To make it easier, swap out that extra coffee or two for herbal tea or add a squeeze of fresh lemon to your glass (bonus this helps to alkalises your stomach too).

Up the oils
Use a body oil as a luscious treatment once or twice a week to give extra protection from the elements and to nourish your skin from head to toe. Our go to is our Coconut Body Balm, a natural body oil made from a pure blend of organic coconut, rosehip and jojoba oils, boosted with Vitamin E. Perfect for application after a shower, simply smooth all over your body and remember to leave to absorb a couple of minutes before dressing.

It’s also a good idea to up the oils internally too. Think oily fish (such as tuna and sardines); flax and chia seed oils; pumpkin seeds, avocado, raw vegetables; tofu, legumes, eggs; oats, brown rice and bananas.

Use a humidifier
The addition of a humidifier to your work place or home can help add moisture to the air and filter stale air.

Stay clear from harsh body products
Opt for a soap-free cleanser that will lather and cleanse without drying out your skin.

Avoid hot showers and baths
Even though it’s a LOT cooler, try to avoid really hot showers and baths. Ensure the water is lukewarm and limit your shower time to 5-10 minutes. Add a little coconut oil or Coconut Body Balm to your bath for extra hydration.

Protect your hair
Give your hair a fighting chance against the wind, blowdryers and heated stylers with a good quality leave in conditioner. Spray on mid to ends and leave on. Use after washing and conditioning your hair and before using heat appliances. Our Coconut + Argan Leave In Conditioner is light but powerful and will also help detangle and add extra shine.